Incorporating Birthstones Into Custom Jewelry

Custom Birthstone Jewelry

Creating Custom Birthstone Jewelry: The Perfect Way To Show Your Loved Ones How Much You Care

Are you looking for the perfect way to show your loved ones how much you care with a gift more thoughtful than many? Look no further than custom birthstone jewelry!

Custom birthstone jewelry is an excellent  way to express your feelings of love, appreciation, and admiration. Not only is it an easy way to personalize a gift, but it also has

the added benefit of symbolizing the birth  month of the recipient. In this blog post, we’ll explore the different ways you can use birthstones to create unique and

meaningful custom jewelry.

8 stone mother's ring

This mother’s ring was meant to symbolize the 4 children of the mother at both young and older ages.  Hence, the smaller larger stone pairs.  Mother’s rings are probably the most popular type of Custom Birthstone Jewelry that we make. They are easy to incorporate birthstones into the design and what woman doesn’t wear rings??

What Are Birthstones?

Birthstones are special gemstones that have been associated with the twelve months of the year since ancient times. Each month has a designated birthstone that is

believed to bring luck and protection to the person born in that month. Birthstone jewelry is a wonderful way to show someone how much you care about them. Whether

you’re looking for a gift for yourself or someone special, creating custom birthstone jewelry is a great way to make a unique and special statement. Birthstones come in a

variety of colors and shapes, so there is something for everyone!  And there are various “charts” of birthstones that have changed with prevailing styles and trends.  So, if

one chart has your birthstone as Tanzanite for December, you can also find charts that claim Sapphire is the december birthstone.

Custom Birthstone Jewelry

This is a mixed cut birthstone engagement ring.  One of the couple was born in September and the other was born in March.  They wanted to use those 2 stones for their custom engagement ring, so we did.  They also did not want the standard round brilliant cut or even a princess.  So they opted for the less common trillion and emerald cuts.

How To Choose The Right Birthstone

When creating custom jewelry with birthstones, it is important to understand the tradition and meaning behind each gemstone. Birthstones are a meaningful way to

commemorate a special occasion or mark a milestone in someone’s life. The gemstone associated with your birth month is said to bring luck, protection, and good health.

To choose the right birthstone for custom jewelry, you must first understand the list of stones associated with each month. For example, January has two birthstones –

garnet and rose quartz – while February has just one – amethyst. Some months have more than one gemstone associated with them, so be sure to research which stone fits

best for you or the person you are gifting the piece to.

Once you have determined the birthstone for each month, consider the quality and color of the stones you will use for your custom jewelry. For example, if you plan to

make a pendant using ruby as the birthstone, opt for a deep red hue that looks brighter and more intense under the light. Similarly, aquamarine should be of high clarity

and have a bright blue-green shade. You can also find various sizes and shapes of birthstones to create unique custom jewelry pieces.

Traditional Birthstone List:

January — Garnet
February — Amethyst
March — Bloodstone
April — Diamond
May — Emerald
June — Pearl
July — Ruby
August — Sardonyx
September — Sapphire
October — Opal
November — Topaz
December — Turquoise or Lapis

Modern Birthstone List:

January — Garnet
February — Amethyst
March — Aquamarine
April — Diamond
May — Emerald
June — Alexandrite
July — Ruby
August — Peridot or Spinel
September — Sapphire
October — Tourmaline
November — Citrine
December — Blue Zircon, Blue Topaz, or Tanzanite


Custom Birthstone Jewelry

Here is a 3 stone engagement ring made with pink tourmaline and alexandrite. Those are the birthstones for June and October.  Not only did this couple choose to go with uncommon birthstones in an engagement ring.  They also chose uncommon shapes to make the ring even more special.

Custom Birthstone Jewelry Has More Symbolism

Birthstones are a great way to add meaningful touches to custom jewelry and are sure to be treasured for years to come. Choosing the right stone based on the month of

birth is a thoughtful gesture that shows how much you care about the recipient. With the wide variety of options available, you can make beautiful jewelry pieces that

perfectly reflect your personal style and that of your loved ones. Custom pendants are a popular choice for birthstone jewelry because they can be easily personalized by adding initials, names, and dates.

Gemstones such as diamond, sapphire, emerald, and opal all look stunning when used in custom pendants. Depending on what look you want to achieve, custom pendants

can range from simple yet elegant designs to elaborate works of art. These charming pieces can also be combined with other materials such as metal and wood to create

even more interesting designs. Customizing birthstone pendants allows you to express yourself and capture the beauty of the moment. They truly make unique gifts that

last a lifetime!

Custom Birthstone Jewelry

Here is a birthstone pendant.  We do not recall the significance of the stone sizes or reason for 2 each.  But as you can see, in any way that you would put diamonds in a pendant or ring, the same thing can be done with your birthstones.

What type of jewelry can I make with birthstones?

When it comes to birthstone jewelry, the possibilities are endless! Rings, pendants, pins and bracelets can all be turned into custom birthstone jewelry. You can use a single

birthstone for a simple look, or incorporate multiple stones for something more ornate. Some of the most popular pieces of custom birthstone jewelry are necklaces,

featuring a birthstone in the middle with other gemstones or diamonds surrounding it. You can also get creative and create custom pendants that are uniquely your own.

Earrings and anklets with birthstones set into them make for stunning statement pieces. Birthstone jewelry is an excellent way to show your loved ones how much you


Custom Birthstone Jewelry

This double heart pendant has Peridot and Garnet, the birthstones for August and January.  We could just as easily put the birthstones for December and June in this design.  Just send us over  your idea and we will turn it into a stunning piece of Custom Birthstone Jewelry. 

How To Incorporate Birthstones Into Existing Jewelry

If you have existing jewelry pieces that you would like to add birthstones to, you can consult with a custom jeweler to create the perfect combination. For example, custom

rings can be designed to include birthstones of each family member or a special date. Alternatively, if you have a necklace or bracelet that you’d like to update, custom

birthstone jewelry can be added to give it a fresh new look. The possibilities are truly endless and a professional jeweler can help you bring your vision to life.  As long as

what you want can be cast, we can create it for you.

Crossover mother's ring

There is a crossover mother’s ring with sapphire, citrine, and diamonds.  These are the birthstones for April, September, and November. However, this just looks like a cocktail or right hand ring. Most would not guess that these stones are the birthstones of the wearer’s children.  So, you can take stylish and “non birthstone jewelry” designs and turn them into a piece of Custom Birthstone Jewelry.

How to care for birthstone jewelry

When it comes to caring for birthstone jewelry, some gemstones require special attention due to their delicate nature. In general, it is important to keep your custom

birthstone jewelry away from harsh chemicals, extreme temperatures, and direct sunlight. When cleaning your jewelry, opt for a gentle soap or jewelry cleaner specifically

designed for the type of gemstone used. Always be sure to dry your birthstone jewelry thoroughly after cleaning as leaving it damp can cause discoloration or damage.

It is also important to store your birthstone jewelry in a safe place, away from other jewelry items, so as to prevent any scratching or abrasion. Keeping your custom

birthstones jewelry in its original box or a soft fabric pouch will help protect it from wear and tear. With proper care and maintenance, you can ensure that your custom

pendants and other birthstones jewelry will last for years to come.

Custom Birthstone Jewelry

This is our Triforce 3 Stone Engagement Ring from the Legend of Zelda.  This woman was born in November, so we put yellow citrine in her ring.

History of birthstones

The origin of birthstones can be traced back to biblical times.  According to the Book of Exodus, Aaron created a breastplate with 12 stones that were believed to be

connected to the 12 zodiac signs.   HERE is a good bit of information on the history of birthstones.  The concept of wearing precious stones was

a sign of protection, wealth and good luck. The modern practice of wearing one stone for each month of birth did not begin until the 16th century and originated in either

Germany or Poland. This was the start of the custom jewelry birthstone trend we are familiar with today. Birthstones were used as symbols to represent different

characteristics and values, such as courage, purity, and strength. The idea was that the stone would bring its wearer good luck, health, and prosperity. However, over time,

birthstones have become more associated with sentimental value, with many people wearing them to honor or commemorate a special person or moment in their life.

treble clef birthstone ring

This is a Treble Clef Engagement ring.  Her Birthday was in November, but rather than choosing citrine, she went with the topaz and chose pink for the color.  So, even if you don’t like one of the birthstones attributed to you month, there are still options.  And even within those options, there are color choices like with topaz.

Wearing Custom Birthstone Jewelry

The time honored tradition and sexy, sparkling colors of birthstones have made them one of the most popular type of jewelry. Ever.  You see Custom Birthstone Jewelry in

rings, bracelets,  pendants, and  earrings. Birthstone Jewelry is always for the perfect, custom gift for a loved one.  Nothing shows you care more than putting some thought

and effort into a  gift.  Birthstone jewelry can make for exceedingly stunning gift choices for mothers.  They eat that stuff up.  However, it is also appropriate for other

family members as well.  Birthstones make it easy to create a colorful, custom piece to represent your loved ones that mas more meaning that something from the mall.

Give Us A Shot!

Click here to see another more of our Mother’s Ring designs.  Click HERE to learn more about custom jewelry, view our portfolio, or to contact us about Custom

Birthstone Jewelry.  It can cost less than you think to have a piece of Custom Birthstone Jewelry made just for you.  Why settle for the lame and overpriced bridal jewelry

from the chain stores?  We can make something that has symbolism and meaning for you.  And, many times, for less than something comparable than at the mall.

Incorporating Birthstones Into Custom Jewelry

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